Friday, May 25, 2012


                         14 Ways to lose a Woman in 5 Secs

By Ms. 306

I am about sure that the guys figured I forgot about them since I went so hard on the women on my first blog…lol…all love for sure but nope I didn’t. I think in the end somebody can take something from this blog today. So as always let’s get started on my top 14 ways to lose a woman in 5 secs.

1.                  Mr. What’s Wrong with Being Cheap- Ummmm everything…. the most unattractive thing on a man is the fact he is tight with his wallet. No one said you had to go to the most expensive restaurant or buy a dozen roses, but never go where you know you can’t afford. Nothing is wrong with looking at prices, but when you order a glass of wine and anyone that drinks knows they will always fill the glass half way. Why? so that you can take in the aroma and the wine can breath almost like savoring the taste of a gourmet piece of chocolate you don’t swallow it you let it melt in your mouth slowly…Ok so back to being cheap…lol… Never ask the young lady WHERES THE REST OF IT SWEETHEART??...1) that is tacky because you should know that wine is never filled to the top and 2) It makes you look cheap because you’re looking at the glass as if it’s half empty instead of half full. Take her to Fridays where you know you can afford to splurge on free refills trust she will appreciate it at the end.
2.                  Mr. Why Should I pay on a first Date- Ok let’s go over a little old age dating Etiquette. Rule of thumb who ever suggest the date first is the one who technically pays. Well that is true, but also a true gentleman should always pay for the first date why because it’s a nice gesture. Now before I start getting hate mail on this…lol…nobody said take her to the most expensive restaurant and the bill look like a car note REMEMBER I NEVER SAID THAT…lol…what I will say is this trust and believe if a woman has to come out her pocket on a first date for even the tip. More then likely it will be your first and last date and you will be labeled as the “BROKE ONE”…ijs
3.                  Mr. Insecure- Omg if you don’t think you look good then why should I??? Nothing is more of a turn off then a guy always getting upset because another guy is looking at you or speaking to you. A true woman knows how to handle herself and if she is really into you then you should be confident enough to know it could be Lance Gross walking down the street and she still won’t leave you….Ok wait a minute he is fine…lol…but  regardless if she is a good woman she is not going anywhere period.
4.                  Mr. We just met and you are my Woman- OK no no no….Unless you never want to talk to this woman again NEVER ASSUME YOU ARE WITH ANYONE!!!...that is an instant turn off especially if she is not even ready for a relationship yet you already answering her phone asking the next man “WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TALK TO MY GIRL?”…in a threatening tone. Always establish the ground rules for a relationship first before ever making this mistake.
5.                  Mr. Have we slept together before- Now you know you wrong for this if you can’t even remember who is the last person you slept with or how many you slept with it’s time for me to make a mad dash for the nearest exit sign and you to make an appt at the nearest clinic. NOT A GOOD LOOK EVER…lol
6.                  Mr. Let Me Introduce you to my Kid/Kids- Wow big mistake especially when you know you get them every other weekend as it is. Single parents may you be male or female don’t ever think that this is cute. Especially not with a random making you guys an instant family aka add a random and stir…You should never expose your kids to just anyone just because they are friendly. You feel a  person out first and then once you see where you guys are headed and it’s been a while and YOU feel comfortable then they should meet little Kendal or Asia but not a minute sooner.
Reason 1- the person you just met may not be into kids like that especially if they have none of their own. I know this sounds crazy, but hey these people do exist and a whole lot of times you don’t find out until months later once the dust has settled and the honey moon period is over that they are really not fond of children.
Reasons 2- You may meet someone that does love children because they have one of their own but the last thing they are thinking about is being called “Mommy” on a first date or want to take on mommy responsibilities and the relationship is still new for them that can be over whelming. So you want to get out single parents I suggest either contact grandma or pay a sitter for the night.
7.                  Mr. I like Phone Sex- Ok this is an honest to god true story. I remember going out with this guy and everything was great or at least I thought so right. Well we out had a delicious meal talked about life and because he was a musician I even made up a rap song and I can’t even rap about our great day…lol…I know I have issues..hahahaha..Anyway so when the date was over he told me to call him when I got in the house because he wanted to make sure I got in the house safe. At this point I just knew I found the perfect gentleman with no drama wow what a surprise it’s like as soon as the clock turned 12am he turned from great guy to nasty freak…lol…Out of nowhere we went from talking about our next date to this guy panting on the phone. So at first I thought maybe I was tired because I know he is not doing what I thought he was doing. Then while he was getting into it telling me how hot and bothered he was I was looking at the phone with a blank stare. Right before he could even get near finishing I hung up. I swear that man tried to contact me half the night after that and the next day. Thank god for Privacy Star…Food for thought Men- if your going to have phone sex that’s fine but make sure that the person your doing it with is a willing participant before just going out on left field with a person you don’t even know ewwww!!!
8.                  Mr. Let’s talk about sex on a First Date- NO NEVER unless both of you are mutual about this never kill a first date with talking about how long you are and how long you can last in a bedroom. This is a definite turn off when getting to know a person unless already established you guys only want to have fun. Now please don’t get it twisted I didn’t say I follow the 90day rule every 5 seconds myself, but in the same breath at least get to know a persons last name before talking about your body parts is all I’m saying.
9.                  Mr. It’s all about me- This guy right here is a trip. All you ever here is me me me blah blah blah. Not one time has he asked you what you think or what you like? This guy is the type that is very self absorbed and if you never say anything will only get worse with time trust ladies.
10.              Mr. I like Kissing- Ok now I am talking about the first date situation now it really depends who you talk to because some people never kiss or won’t kiss you until 6 months to a year later. Hey like I always say I don’t judge to each his own but I am talking about those that are not that strict. So kissing on that first date nothing is wrong with a kiss on a cheek in my opinion or even a peck on the lips. Unless it was some magnetic attraction a tongue down the throat is entirely too much especially if she don’t know you or where you mouth has been at…yuck!!!
11.              Mr. Let me check her Phone- OMG THIS IS A TURN OFF FOR MEN OR WOMEN. Like the saying goes “If you shall seek then you shall fine” Never check a person’s phone unless they ask you to. To behonest this is where trust comes in at period. You should never be that insecure in yourself that you feel you must check your mates phone trust and believe they have another saying that goes like this…”Whatever happens in the dark shall come to light” meaning in other words wait for it that ugly head will eventually show if there is a true problem.
12.               Mr. “Exclusive” Pictures- If you don’t know a person that is so not cute. I have a little boy of my own and I have changed enough diapers to know what one looks like at this point…lol…I will say this if you are one of those guys that are bold enough to send one by all means don’t look like a good gush of cold air just came past you…there is nothing good about shrinkage and that is all I will say about that…lol
13.              Mr. Hygiene- I pray the guys didn’t just think I was going to talk about the women when it comes to being clean…lol…When going anywhere you should never smell like you just left the basketball court with your friends or that mechanic smell which to me smells just like if you been playing in dirt all day. Take a shower man and make sure that hair is combed and washed. Nothing like seeing snow flakes on a date that is gross and nails should be clean and if you have cologne please use it. To be honest I don’t care how unattractive a man is if he wears good smelling cologne he just became Mr. Sexy to me.
14.              Mr. Online Dating- We are in 2012 where this is where most people meet there soul mate or just that buddy to hang with. I mean it really can be fun if you take your time and don’t rush to meet just anyone. Now where I would say where men mess up is putting up pictures from 1995 when it was his glory days and he was 20lbs lighter and actually had hair or even worse putting up someone else’s picture. Omg such a turn off when you think your meeting a guy who looked like Morris Chestnut in the picture and then when you meet they look like Flavor Flav…that ain’t hot in my Tamar Braxton voice…lol

Ms. 306 Bonus of the day
Mr. I may be a little Thirsty- This man is the one who expects some good good right after a hot date with you. He figured if he splurged then its time for you to pay for that delicious meal that he just shelled out for. Wrong answer I swear if I had to sleep with everyman that paid for a meal that I have eaten I would be dead broke for real because we would be going dutch every time no questions asked….This is a turn off guys no woman ever wants to feel like she needs to literally pay for her meal with her lady parts…lol..

My food for Thought
Learn to have fun when dating and by all means guys go with the flow it makes thing so much easier!!!!


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